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  • Espoo, Finland
Build Project
CNC bottom frame parts ordered after planning and 3d modelling

CNC bottom frame parts ordered after planning and 3d modelling


The bottom of the CNC machine needed some re-thinking after observing that the table surface used as base for the machine is not 100% planar. With a consistent frame the whole machine can theoretically be 100% square and the spoil boards under the router does not necessarily need to be surfaced.

CNC machine 3d model
3d Model of the cnc machine

The parts are ordered from Nettiverstas which is located in Rovaniemi, Finland. They offer big variety of tools related to wood working like table saws, routers, CNC machines, CNC diy parts, router bits, drills and what ever. They also have an own Blog. Go check it out.

The parts ordered can be found under the category Alumiini kiskot. All parts for this project can found from Partners page.

Since the CNC machine is planned to be with maximal X axis travel the 2080 size aluminum profiles are going to be 1500mm long. The Profiles will be fixed to the RatRig 40160 Y axis profiles using cast corner brackets and 40×40 joining plates (similar to the aluminum plates seen on left side of the image). The joining plates used in the 3d model are actually are 30×30 plates scaled up to since grabcad didn’t have the 40×40 joining plates).

While writing this post, i got a mail that the parts from Nettiverstas was marked as shipped!

Please find the parts list on Partners page.

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